
Top 10 Hidden SQL injection Tool That You Should Know in 2023

June 9, 20238 min read

Top 10 Hidden SQL injection Tool That You Should Know in 2023

In the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity, understanding SQL injection tools is crucial for safeguarding your systems. This blog presents a curated list of the top ten hidden SQL injection tools that are gaining traction in 2023. By familiarizing yourself with these powerful yet lesser-known tools, you can strengthen your defenses against malicious attacks and fortify your databases against potential vulnerabilities. Stay one step ahead and enhance your security arsenal with these invaluable resources.


In today’s digital landscape, ensuring the security of web applications is of paramount importance. SQL injection is a prevalent vulnerability that can expose sensitive data and compromise the integrity of your applications. To safeguard against SQL injection attacks, security testing tools play a vital role. In this blog, we will explore the top 10 security testing tools for SQL injection, focusing on lesser-known options. We will exclude widely recognized tools such as Burp Suite, SQLMap, and OWASP ZAP.



Havij is a popular SQL injection tool known for its user-friendly
interface and powerful automated scanning capabilities. It can identify
and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities, extract data from databases,
and even gain remote access to the underlying server. Havij supports a
variety of attack techniques, making it a valuable tool for security
professionals and ethical hackers.


PASSWORD – darknet123



SQLNinja is a versatile tool designed to exploit SQL injection
vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access to databases. It automates
the process of fingerprinting the database server, injecting malicious
SQL statements, and extracting data. SQLNinja provides advanced features
like file system access and command execution, allowing security
testers to assess the full extent of a SQL injection vulnerability.

sudo apt install sqlninja



While traditional SQL injection attacks focus on relational databases,
NoSQLMap is specifically designed to target NoSQL databases that have
gained popularity in recent years. NoSQLMap can detect and exploit
vulnerabilities in various NoSQL database systems, including MongoDB,
CouchDB, Redis, and more. It enables security testers to assess the
security posture of NoSQL implementations and identify potential
injection points.




Web Application Attack and Audit Framework (W3AF) is a comprehensive
security testing tool that goes beyond SQL injection. It provides a wide
range of vulnerability scanners and exploitation tools, including SQL
injection detection and exploitation modules. W3AF enables security
testers to perform a holistic assessment of web applications,
identifying SQL injection vulnerabilities along with other common
security flaws.

TOOL w3af.org



Skipfish is an open-source web application security scanner developed by
Google. Although it primarily focuses on web application mapping and
information gathering, it includes modules for detecting and exploiting
SQL injection vulnerabilities. Skipfish utilizes various techniques to
crawl and analyze web applications, identifying potential injection
points and assisting security testers in evaluating the overall security
of their applications.

sudo apt install skipfish 

JSQL Injection

jSQL Injection

jSQL Injection is a lightweight, Java-based tool that automates the
detection and exploitation of SQL injection vulnerabilities. It supports
multiple database systems and provides a command-line interface for
ease of use. jSQL Injection can perform various tasks, including
enumeration of databases, tables, and columns, retrieval of data, and
even executing operating system commands.




SQLiX is an open-source tool designed to automate the process of
exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities. It provides a user-friendly
graphical interface for performing SQL injection tests and extracting
information from databases. SQLiX supports different database systems
and offers features like error-based and time-based blind SQL injection




SQLSentinel is a powerful security testing tool specifically designed for detecting and mitigating SQL injection vulnerabilities. It offers a wide range of features, including advanced detection algorithms, intelligent scanning techniques, and comprehensive reporting capabilities. SQLSentinel utilizes advanced crawling mechanisms to thoroughly scan web applications and identify potential injection points. It supports various databases and can perform both static and dynamic analysis to detect vulnerabilities in different stages of application development.


SQL Power Injector

SQL Power Injector

SQL Power Injector is a lightweight open-source tool designed to automate the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities in web applications. It provides an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) that simplifies the SQL injection testing process, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced security testers.

TOOL –  SQL Power Injector

Ghauri SQL Injection Tool

Ghauri was able to identify the exploit for both time-based blind SQL injection and boolean-based blind SQL injection in just 4 minutes. This is significantly faster  compared to SQLMAP, which failed to find the exploit in my previous attempts. Ghauri’s efficiency and accuracy in detecting vulnerabilities make it a valuable tool in my bug bounty toolkit. It has proven to be a reliable option, especially in cases where SQLMAP falls short.



Top 10 Hidden SQL injection Tool That You Should Know in 2023

In conclusion, understanding the potential risks associated with SQL injection vulnerabilities is crucial for securing web applications and protecting sensitive data. In this blog, we explored the top 10 hidden SQL injection tools that can assist security testers and developers in identifying and mitigating these vulnerabilities.

By leveraging tools like Havij, SQLNinja, NoSQLMap, W3AF, SQLSentinel, JSQL, and SQL Power Injector, security professionals can enhance their testing capabilities and automate the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities. These tools offer a range of features, including detection, exploitation, payload customization, and reporting, making them valuable assets in the fight against SQL injection attacks.

However, it is essential to note that using these tools requires responsible and ethical practices. It is crucial to obtain proper authorization and perform security testing only on systems and applications where you have legal permission. Unauthorized or malicious use of these tools can lead to legal consequences and harm individuals or organizations.

Ultimately, staying informed about the latest SQL injection tools and techniques is an ongoing process. As technology evolves, so do the methods used by attackers. Regularly updating your knowledge and skills in SQL injection testing will enable you to effectively identify and address vulnerabilities, ensuring the security and integrity of web applications in the ever-changing threat landscape of 2023.

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