
Gram – Klarna’s Own Threat Model Diagramming Tool

April 4, 20241 min read


Gram is Klarna’s own threat model diagramming tool developed internally by Klarna’s Secure Development team. It is a webapp for engineers to collaboratively create threat models for their systems, providing a easy-to-understand way to document a system as a dataflow diagram with threats/controls attached.

Features ✨

  • Fully featured diagramming tool specialized for threat modeling.
  • Collaborative editing with multiple users over websocket
  • Tightly couples to your system/asset inventory
  • Automatic suggestions for threats and controls based on your tech stacks
  • Review system for use by your Security Champions and to ensure quality models
  • Integration for boring corporate stuff like Jira and SSO (Okta)

Getting Started 🚀

See Quick Start.

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