
All posts tagged in System logs

  • June 21, 2024By Prapattimynk

    Content Introduction Architecture Demo pages Requirements Quick start Administrator’s guide Sensor Server User’s guide Reporting interface Real-life cases Mass scans Anonymous attackers Service attackers Malware Suspicious domain lookups Suspicious ipinfo requests Suspicious direct file downloads Suspicious HTTP requests Port scanning DNS resource exhaustion Data leakage False positives Best practice(s) License Sponsors Developers Presentations Publications Blacklist

  • June 14, 2024By Prapattimynk

    IconJector This is a Windows Explorer DLL injection technique that uses the change icon dialog on Windows. https://github.com/0xda568/IconJector/assets/61665703/bbf53775-ad8d-422b-b186-663ff5074976 How does it work? Firstly, a folder is created in the temp directory, and the properties of the folder are opened using SHObjectProperties. To retrieve the handle of the window independently of the system language, EnumWindows is

  • April 4, 2024By Prapattimynk

    https://github.com/klarna-incubator/gram Gram is Klarna’s own threat model diagramming tool developed internally by Klarna’s Secure Development team. It is a webapp for engineers to collaboratively create threat models for their systems, providing a easy-to-understand way to document a system as a dataflow diagram with threats/controls attached. Features ✨ Getting Started 🚀 See Quick Start.

  • March 26, 2024By Prapattimynk

    https://github.com/mrwadams/attackgen AttackGen is a cybersecurity incident response testing tool that leverages the power of large language models and the comprehensive MITRE ATT&CK framework. The tool generates tailored incident response scenarios based on user-selected threat actor groups and your organisation’s details. Features Requirements Installation Option 1: Cloning the Repository Option 2: Using Docker LangSmith Setup If

  • January 30, 2024By Prapattimynk

    What is PurpleLab ? This solution will allow you to easily deploy an entire lab to create/test your detection rules, simulate logs, play tests, download and run malware and mitre attack techniques, restore the sandbox and many other features. https://github.com/Krook9d/PurpleLab The lab contains : Installation procedure ⚠️ To have a fully clean installation, you have to

  • January 14, 2024By Prapattimynk

    https://github.com/Aditya-dom/moonwalk-back Cover your tracks during Linux Exploitation by leaving zero traces on system logs and filesystem timestamps. moonwalk-back is a 400 KB single-binary executable that can clear your traces while penetration testing a Unix machine. It saves the state of system logs pre-exploitation and reverts that state including the filesystem timestamps post-exploitation leaving zero traces of a ghost in
