
Docker Container Management GUI

January 14, 20241 min read


Dokémon is a friendly GUI for managing Docker Containers. You can manage multiple servers from a single Dokemon instance.

Check https://dokemon.dev for more details.

Production Usage

We recommend that you run Dokemon on a private network whenever possible.

If you are running on a VPS with only public access, we recommend that you use an SSL enabled reverse proxy in front of Dokemon. See example configuration with Traefik.


You can run the below commands to quickly try out Dokémon.

Note: Whenever possible, it is recommended that you run Dokémon in a private network and do not expose it to the Internet. In cases where this is not possible, for example when running on a VPS to which you only have public access, you should run Dokémon behind an SSL enabled reverse proxy and use a strong password for maximum security. Refer the next section for sample configuration using Traefik.

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