
TREVORproxy – Randomizes Your Source IP Address

June 26, 20245 min read


pip install git+https://github.com/blacklanternsecurity/trevorproxy

See the accompanying Blog Post for a fun rant and some cool demos!

A SOCKS proxy written in Python that randomizes your source IP address. Round-robin your evil packets through SSH tunnels or give them billions of unique source addresses!

TREVORproxy IPv6 Subnet Proxy Diagram

TREVORproxy SSH Proxy Demo

TREVORproxy Subnet Proxy Demo

Common use cases

  • WAF bypass
  • Password spraying
  • Web scraping

How it works

TREVORproxy has two modes of operation: a Subnet Proxy and an SSH Proxy:

  • Subnet Proxy mode uses the AnyIP feature of the Linux kernel to assign an entire subnet to your network interface, and give every connection a random source IP address from that subnet.
    • E.g. if your cloud provider gives you a /64 IPv6 range, you can send your traffic from over eighteen quintillion (18,446,744,073,709,551,616) unique IP addresses.
  • SSH Proxy mode combines iptables with SSH’s SOCKS proxy feature (ssh -D) to round-robin packets through remote systems (cloud VMs, etc.)

NOTE: TREVORproxy is not intended as a DoS tool, as it does not “spoof” packets. It is a fully-functioning SOCKS proxy, meaning that it is designed to accept return traffic.

Example #1 – Send traffic from random addresses within an IPv6 subnet

  • NOTE: In subnet mode, trevorproxy must be run as root
  • NOTE: This must be a legitimate subnet, e.g. an IPv6 range allocated to you by your cloud provider.
    # Start TREVORproxy
    $ sudo trevorproxy subnet -s dead:beef::0/64 -i eth0
    [DEBUG] ip route add local dead:beef::0/64 dev eth0
    [INFO] Listening on socks5://

Test SOCKS proxy

Note that each request has a different source IP address

$ curl –proxy socks5:// -6 api64.ipify.org
$ curl –proxy socks5:// -6 api64.ipify.org
$ curl –proxy socks5:// -6 api64.ipify.org
$ curl –proxy socks5:// -6 api64.ipify.org

## Example #2 - Send traffic through SSH tunnels
# Configure proxychains
$ cat /etc/proxychains.conf
socks5 1080

# Start TREVORproxy
$ trevorproxy ssh root@ root@
[DEBUG] Opening SSH connection to root@
[DEBUG] /usr/bin/ssh root@ -D 32482 -o StrictHostKeychecking=no
[DEBUG] Opening SSH connection to root@
[DEBUG] /usr/bin/ssh root@ -D 32483 -o StrictHostKeychecking=no
[DEBUG] Waiting for /usr/bin/ssh root@ -D 32482 -o StrictHostKeychecking=no
[DEBUG] Waiting for /usr/bin/ssh root@ -D 32483 -o StrictHostKeychecking=no
[DEBUG] Creating iptables rules
[DEBUG] iptables -A OUTPUT -t nat -d -o lo -p tcp --dport 1080 -j DNAT --to-destination -m statistic --mode nth --every 2 --packet 0
[DEBUG] iptables -A OUTPUT -t nat -d -o lo -p tcp --dport 1080 -j DNAT --to-destination
[INFO] Listening on socks5://

# Test SOCKS proxy
$ proxychains curl ifconfig.me
$ proxychains curl ifconfig.me
$ proxychains curl ifconfig.me
$ proxychains curl ifconfig.me

CLI Usage

$ trevorproxy --help
usage: trevorproxy [-h] [-p PORT] [-l LISTEN_ADDRESS] [-q] [-v] {interface,ssh} ...

Round-robin requests through multiple SSH tunnels via a single SOCKS server

positional arguments:
  {interface,ssh}       proxy type
    interface           send traffic from local interface
    ssh                 send traffic through SSH hosts

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Port for SOCKS server to listen on (default: 1080)
  -l LISTEN_ADDRESS, --listen-address LISTEN_ADDRESS
                        Listen address for SOCKS server (default:
  -q, --quiet           Be quiet
  -v, -d, --verbose, --debug
                        Be verbose

CLI Usage – Subnet Proxy

$ trevorproxy subnet --help
usage: trevorproxy subnet [-h] [-i INTERFACE] [-s SUBNET]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INTERFACE, --interface INTERFACE
                        Interface to send packets on
  -s SUBNET, --subnet SUBNET
                        Subnet to send packets from

CLI Usage – SSH Proxy

$ trevorproxy ssh --help
usage: trevorproxy ssh [-h] [-k KEY] [--base-port BASE_PORT] ssh_hosts [ssh_hosts ...]

positional arguments:
  ssh_hosts             Round-robin load-balance through these SSH hosts (user@host)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k KEY, --key KEY     Use this SSH key when connecting to proxy hosts
  --base-port BASE_PORT
                        Base listening port to use for SOCKS proxies (default: 32482)



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